Logan Robertson


henri and fred

psalm 42

this cool dog can drive

Winifred Knights, Self-Portrait Sketching at a Table, c 1916

Lock screen

O Clavis – Malcom Guite


RIP Bart Starr. The greatest of all time.

One difference between me and my dad is I only have kids I know about.


Gabriel Fauré composed Cantique de Jean Racine when he was 19 years old. 🎶


Olga Suvorova, Annunciation


James Johnston, Study of Skull in Gold, 2019

Last night at Network: talking to a new guy outside. He was looking for his friend who he described as “a dark little pork chop eatin’ mutha fucka.” I said sorry I don’t know him. Then I found a perfect Kit-Kat style Reece’s bar in the middle of the sidewalk and gave it to him.

when you’re at tom’s


Only monsters listen to podcasts at 2x.


Lady of Lloret, Gerard Mas